Latest Google Dork SQL Injection -SQL DORKS

1. intext:”You have an error in your SQL syntax”
2. inurl:”id=”
3. intext:”Warning: mysql_fetch_array()” ext:php
4. inurl:”.php?catid=” intext:”Warning: mysql_fetch_array()”
5. intitle:”Error Occurred While Processing Request” +where +type=
6. ntext:”Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server” -password
7. ntext:”Unclosed quotation mark” AND intext:”Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server” AND intext:”80040e14″
8. inurl: “page.php?id=” intext: “mysql_num_rows()”
9. intext:”Error Executing Database Query.” intitle:”Error Occurred While Processing Request” filetype:cfm
10. intext:”mysql_num_rows()” + “mysql_fetch_array()” + “mysql_query()”